Access Easy English

I get it !

Everyday words

Clear images

Consumer input

Universal design

Did you know?


44% of Australian adults(15-65 years old) do not have the literacy skills to read a range of day to day reading tasks. This equates to 7.3 million adult Australians in 2013. 
Read more: ABS Data 2013 #4228OECD PIAAC Data 2013, 2016


Translating documents into Easy English

In 2021, Cathy was invited on to the                                      Speak Up: Speech Pathology Australia Podcast.
She discusses the significant differences between               
Easy English and Easy Read, and the importance of this to the work of speech pathologists.  Host Anneke Flinn.                  Also available at:  Apple PodcastsSpotify


Speech PAtholgoy panel. Says Translating documents into Easy English. A conversation with Access Easy English's Cathy Basterfield

Discussion about people with low literacy
The Drum ABC – February 18 2020.
With Julia Baird, Sam Conner and Christine Ryan.

Zero Conference 2023
At the UN, February 2023.

A summary of Cathy’s presentation.


5 – 8 August, 2024, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Easy English program to be uploaded.

We are doing a Round Table on Accessible Information – Where do we need quality accessible information? Monday 6.30 pm in Chicago 8.  Level 4.


a paper Easy Read using a universal design paradigm. Can more people with intellectual disability be included? Monday 12 noon in Ontario. Level 2.

If you are attending, stop by our exhibit number 6 and say hello.


Read our recent blogpost

Insights from Valuable 500. Why you need Easy English for your business

Our services


zero project shortlist 2023

covid safe award

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